Key takaways:
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fftfreq,fftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
sys.path.append("..") # for pfb tools imports etc
from pfb import forward_pfb,inverse_pfb,quantize_8_bit,quantize_8_bit_real,quantize_8_bit_spec_scaled_per_channel
import conjugate_gradient as cg
# shortcut variables
LFRAME=2048 # Length of a U1 frame
NCHAN=LFRAME//2+1 # Number of channels
NTAP=4 # Number of taps
NFRAMES=1600*32 # Number of frames of data to inspect
NFRAMES_OFFSET=100 # Number of frames to skip at the beginning
SR=10e6 # 10MHz Sample Rate
CF=35e6 # 35MHz Central Frequency
# File name/Relative path to data file ^
ADC_DELTA=0.04 # ADC quantization interval
COMPLEX_DELTA=0.25 # Quantization delta of channelized signal
IMSCALE_PLT=(-2.5,1)# Set scale of spectrogram plot colors
IMSCALE_RES=(-2.5,-1)# Set scale of residual spectrogram colors
CMAP_RES="terrain" # colormap of residual plts, default "gist_rainbow"
LEN_SIG=NFRAMES*LFRAME# length of entire signal
Waterfall plotting tool
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
def waterfall(spec,sr,cf,title=None,imshow_scale=IMSCALE_PLT,
"""Waterfall plot.
spec : 2darray
The spectrum to plot
sr : float
Sample Rate (ADC)
cf : float
Central Frequency
title : str
The title of the plot.
imshow_scale : tuple
Two tuple of floats. The first one sets the min
value to display, the second sets max value.
cmap : str
Name of the pyplot colormap.
if title is None:
title=f"Central Freq {cf/1e6:.0f}MHz, Sample Rate {sr/1e6:.0f}MHz"
log_spec = np.log(abs(spec)+1e-16) # add some noise for plotting purposes
# Set the color scale by "modifying" spectrum (purely for visuals)
log_spec[0,0]=imshow_scale[1] # Hack, set first pixel to cieling
log_spec[0,1]=imshow_scale[0] # Hack, set second pixel to floor
if (log_spec>imshow_scale[1]).any():
print("WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!")
log_spec[np.where(log_spec>imshow_scale[1])] = imshow_scale[1]
log_spec[np.where(log_spec<imshow_scale[0])] = imshow_scale[0]
freqs=fftshift(fftfreq(lframe,d=1/sr))[::2] + cf
im = ax.imshow(log_spec,cmap=cmap)
ax.set_xlabel("Frequency MHz")
# plt.xticks(freqs)
ax.set_xticklabels(["{:.1f}".format(i) for i in freqs[xticks]/1e6])
ax.set_ylabel("Time (s)")
# colorbar stuff
cax = divider.append_axes('right',size='5%',pad=0.05)
ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(i) for i in yticks * lframe/sr])
# Load from raw file
def load_sig(path:str, verbose=False):
"""Load the signal from binary file located at path"""
sig=np.fromfile(path,dtype="float32") # load signal from file
sig=(sig-sig.mean())/sig.std() # normalize
sigadc=quantize_8_bit_real(sig,delta=ADC_DELTA) # ADC quantize signal
if verbose is True:
return sigadc
assert len(SIG)<=LEN_SIG, "not enough data for truncation: {len(sig)} < {LEN_SIG}"
SIG=SIG[:LEN_SIG] # trunkate signal
# Get the full channelized signal (for later)
# Quantize the spectrum, 4+4bits=1byte (real+imag)
spec_adc_full, COMPLEX_DELTA)
del spec_adc_full # don't need this, takes up lots of memory
del std_per_chan # don't need this, cleaner code
def display_channelized_signal(sig,u=1):
print("INFO: channelizing spectrum")
spec_adc=forward_pfb(sig, (NCHAN-1)*u+1, NTAP)
print("INFO: Plotting channelized spectrum")
waterfall(spec_adc/sqrt(u*LFRAME), # normalize spectrum
SR, CF, title=f"Channelized ADC'd E-field U={u}")
print("INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum")
spec_adc, COMPLEX_DELTA)
print("INFO: Plotting residuals: 'quantized spec' - 'truth'")
SR, CF, title=f"Channelized ADC'd E-field U={u}\
\n4+4 bit-quantized, Residuals\
\n(normalized by power in each channel)",
imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES, cmap=CMAP_RES)
print("INFO: Garbage collection")
del _
del spec_adc_q
del spec_adc
INFO: channelizing spectrum INFO: Plotting channelized spectrum WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Plotting residuals: 'quantized spec' - 'truth' WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Garbage collection
INFO: channelizing spectrum INFO: Plotting channelized spectrum WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Plotting residuals: 'quantized spec' - 'truth' WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Garbage collection
INFO: channelizing spectrum INFO: Plotting channelized spectrum WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Plotting residuals: 'quantized spec' - 'truth' WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Garbage collection
INFO: channelizing spectrum INFO: Plotting channelized spectrum WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Plotting residuals: 'quantized spec' - 'truth' WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Garbage collection
INFO: channelizing spectrum INFO: Plotting channelized spectrum WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Plotting residuals: 'quantized spec' - 'truth' WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Garbage collection
INFO: channelizing spectrum INFO: Plotting channelized spectrum WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Plotting residuals: 'quantized spec' - 'truth' WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Garbage collection
# def get_quantized_spec_and_ipfb(sig,u=2,wiener_thresh=0.1):
# print("INFO: Channelizing signal")
# spec_adc=forward_pfb(sig, (NCHAN-1)*u+1, NTAP)
# print("INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum")
# spec_adc_q,_=quantize_8_bit_spec_scaled_per_channel(
# spec_adc, COMPLEX_DELTA)
# # garbage collction
# del spec_adc
# del _
# print("INFO: INverting quantized spectrum")
# sig_ipfb=inverse_pfb(spec_adc_q,wiener_thresh=wiener_thresh)
# # drop imaginary componant
# sig_ipfb,imag = sig_ipfb.real,sig_ipfb.imag
# assert sig_ipfb.std()/imag.std() > 1e10 # sanity check
# print("DEBUG: Imaginary componant is negligible, cast to real")
# del imag
# return spec_adc_q,sig_ipfb
# wrapper for inverse_pfb
def get_sig_ipfb(spec,wiener_thresh=0.0):
print("INFO: Inverting spectrum")
# drop imaginary componant
sig_ipfb,imag = sig_ipfb.real,sig_ipfb.imag
assert sig_ipfb.std()/imag.std() > 1e10 # sanity check
print("DEBUG: Imaginary componant is negligible, cast to real")
del imag
return sig_ipfb # real signal
# Thin wrapper for forward pfb
def get_spec(sig, u):
print("INFO: Channelizing signal")
spec=forward_pfb(sig, (NCHAN-1)*u+1, NTAP)
return spec
# get the quantized spectrum
def get_spec_q(sig, u):
spec=get_spec(sig, u)
print("INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum")
del spec
del _
return spec_q
# Display spec then display residuals in waterfall plot
def display_spec_and_resid(spec, spec_true, u, title="Spec"):
print("INFO: Display channelized spec")
waterfall(spec/sqrt(u*LFRAME), SR, CF, title=title)
print("INFO: Display residuals")
SR, CF, title="Residuals, normalized by channel",
imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES, cmap=CMAP_RES)
def rechannelize_ipfb(sig,sig_ipfb,u=2):
spec_q = get_spec_q(sig, u)
print(f"INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U={u}")
spec_ipfb=get_spec(sig_ipfb, u)
display_spec_and_resid(spec_ipfb, spec_q, u, title=f"Re-channelized IPFB'd signal U={u}")
# Garbage collection
del spec_ipfb
del spec_q
# Invert the signal without any filtering, FFT IPFB
sig_ipfb=get_sig_ipfb(SPEC_Q, wiener_thresh=0.0) # wiener_thresh=0 means no wiener filter
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_ipfb, u=1)
INFO: Inverting spectrum DEBUG: Imaginary componant is negligible, cast to real INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=1 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_ipfb, u=2)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=2 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_ipfb, u=4)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=4 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_ipfb, u=8)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=8 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_ipfb, u=16)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=16 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_ipfb, u=32)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=32 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
# Garbage collection
del sig_ipfb
sig_wien=get_sig_ipfb(SPEC_Q, wiener_thresh=0.1)
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_wien, u=1)
INFO: Inverting spectrum DEBUG: Imaginary componant is negligible, cast to real INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=1 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_wien, u=2)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=2 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_wien, u=4)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=4 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_wien, u=8)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=8 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_wien, u=16)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=16 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
rechannelize_ipfb(SIG, sig_wien, u=32)
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: 4+4 bit quantizing spectrum INFO: Re-channelize, upchan factor U=32 INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
# Construct B operator and u vector without a prior
B,u = cg.get_Bu_noprior(SPEC_Q,
# CG descent onto reconstructed timestream without prior
# Garbage collection
del sig_cg_noprior
del B
del u
INFO: Conjugate Gradient descent completed.
# Load 5% indices that make up your prior
# (with 5%, best result npersave=2, max_iter=1)
_,saved_idxs_5perc=cg.get_saved_idxs(n_per_save=2, prct=0.05,
del _ # garbage collection
# Construct B operator and u vector using prior
B,u,chisq = cg.get_Bu_withprior(SIG, SPEC_Q,
# CG descend onto reconstructed timestream `ipfb_cg`
# Garbage collection
del B
del u
del chisq # unused callable
INFO: Conjugate Gradient descent completed.
# Display channelized signal, U=1
for u in (1,2,4,8,16,32):
spec_cg_5perc=get_spec(sig_cg_5perc, u)
spec_adc = get_spec(SIG, u) # get true spectrum
display_spec_and_resid(spec=spec_cg_5perc, spec_true=spec_adc, u=u,
title=f"Spectrum CG-descent 5% extra data U={u}")
del spec_cg_5perc # garbage collection
del spec_adc
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
del sig_cg_5perc
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [43], in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 del sig_cg_5perc NameError: name 'sig_cg_5perc' is not defined
# Load 5% indices that make up your prior
# (with 5%, best result npersave=1, max_iter=1 (confusingly means 1step))
_,saved_idxs_10perc=cg.get_saved_idxs(n_per_save=1, prct=0.10,
# Construct B operator and u vector using prior
B,u,chisq = cg.get_Bu_withprior(SIG, SPEC_Q,
# CG descend onto reconstructed timestream `ipfb_cg`
del B
del u
del chisq # unused callable
INFO: Conjugate Gradient descent completed.
# Display channelized signal
for u in (1,2,4,8,16,32):
spec_cg_10perc=get_spec(sig_cg_10perc, u)
spec_adc = get_spec(SIG, u) # get true spectrum
display_spec_and_resid(spec=spec_cg_10perc, spec_true=spec_adc, u=u,
title=f"Spectrum CG-descent 10% extra data U={u}")
del spec_cg_10perc # garbage collection
del spec_adc
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
# Garbage collection
del saved_idxs_10perc
del sig_cg_10perc
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [51], in <cell line: 2>() 1 # Garbage collection ----> 2 del saved_idxs_10perc 3 del sig_cg_10perc NameError: name 'saved_idxs_10perc' is not defined
# Load 5% indices that make up your prior
# (with 5%, best result npersave=2, max_iter=2 (confusingly means 1step))
_,saved_idxs_20perc=cg.get_saved_idxs(n_per_save=1, prct=0.20,
# Construct B operator and u vector using prior
B,u,chisq = cg.get_Bu_withprior(SIG, SPEC_Q,
# CG descend onto reconstructed timestream `ipfb_cg`
del B
del u
del chisq
INFO: Conjugate Gradient descent completed.
# Display channelized signal
for u in (1,2,4,8,16,32):
spec_cg_20perc=get_spec(sig_cg_20perc, u)
spec_adc = get_spec(SIG, u) # get true spectrum
display_spec_and_resid(spec=spec_cg_20perc, spec_true=spec_adc, u=u,
title=f"Spectrum CG-descent 20% extra data U={u}")
del spec_cg_20perc # garbage collection
del spec_adc
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Channelizing signal INFO: Display channelized spec WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
INFO: Display residuals WARNiNG: Spectrum has higher ceiling than is displayed!
# Garbage collection
del saved_idxs_20perc
del sig_cg_20perc
Below blocks no longer run because we've deleted the data from variables (otherwise RAM gets full and SWAP is used)
# # IPFB
# waterfall((spec_ipfb_u2-spec_adc_u2_q)/spec_adc_u2_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF, title=f"Residuals, IPFB'd naively\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # Wiener filter
# waterfall((spec_wien_u2-spec_adc_u2_q)/spec_adc_u2_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF, title=f"Residuals, Wiener Filtered\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # 5% extra timestream data saved
# waterfall((spec_cg_5perc_u2-spec_adc_u2_q)/spec_adc_u2_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF,
# title=f"Residuals, CG 5% data saved\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # 10% extra timestream data saved
# waterfall((spec_cg_10perc_u2-spec_adc_u2_q)/spec_adc_u2_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF,
# title=f"Residuals, CG 10% data saved\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # 20% extra timestream data saved
# waterfall((spec_cg_20perc_u2-spec_adc_u2_q)/spec_adc_u2_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF,
# title=f"Residuals, CG 20% data saved\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # IPFB
# waterfall((spec_ipfb_u4-spec_adc_u4_q)/spec_adc_u4_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF, title=f"Residuals, IPFB'd naively\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # Wiener filter
# waterfall((spec_wien_u4-spec_adc_u4_q)/spec_adc_u4_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF, title=f"Residuals, Wiener Filtered\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # 5% extra timestream data saved
# waterfall((spec_cg_5perc_u4-spec_adc_u4_q)/spec_adc_u4_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF,
# title=f"Residuals, CG 5% data saved\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # 10% extra timestream data saved
# waterfall((spec_cg_10perc_u4-spec_adc_u4_q)/spec_adc_u4_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF,
# title=f"Residuals, CG 10% data saved\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)
# # 20% extra timestream data saved
# waterfall((spec_cg_20perc_u4-spec_adc_u4_q)/spec_adc_u4_q.std(axis=0),
# SR, CF,
# title=f"Residuals, CG 20% data saved\
# \nnormalized by channel",
# imshow_scale=IMSCALE_RES,cmap=CMAP_RES)